Dr. Laurie Santos
Dr. Laurie Santos is Professor of Psychology and Head of Silliman College at Yale University. Professor and podcast host Dr. Laurie Santos is an expert on human cognition and the…
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Ice skater Michelle Kwan was all set to win Olympic Gold… but in a major sporting upset she came second. Sharing her story with Dr. Laurie Santos, Michelle lets us in on a key secret to achieving happiness when you’re tempted to feel like a loser.
“But on that podium in London, just for a second, McKayla’s face told another story.”
“Back in 1992, Tom embarked on one of my favourite ever studies in the field of happiness research.”
“During the 2004 Athens Games Professor David Matsumoto of San Francisco State teamed up with a martial arts journalist Bob Willingham to examine the happiness of the judo medalists.”
• A short citation:
• The report:
• Further details on Dr. Matsumoto’s research:
“Back in 2003, Andrew Clark, a professor at the Paris School for Economics, studied well-being in the UK across different kinds of labor markets.”
“Sara Solnick and David Hemenway, who ran the original study, asked a whole list of similar questions about other kinds of achievements.”
“In 2005, Peter Kuhn, an economist at UC Santa Barbara, teamed up with colleagues to test what one Dutch household winning the prize does to material consumption in the rest of the community.”
“Tom has studied one other area in which many of us do this all the time. When we think of how good our social lives are.”
“The first strategy Michelle used is what researchers call negative visualization— the act of wondering what things would be like if the good events in our life never happened.”
• For example, see:
• For the ancient roots of negative visualization, see:
“In fact, one study has even shown that silver winners more likely to die younger than those who win bronze or gold.”
Dr. Laurie Santos is Professor of Psychology and Head of Silliman College at Yale University. Professor and podcast host Dr. Laurie Santos is an expert on human cognition and the…