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It can speak to us in the middle of a work project, the middle of a date, or the middle of the night. The critical voice in our head telling us we’re just not good enough and we’re headed for failure. Listener Patricia Branigan wrote in to ask what we can do the quiet down this chatter.

To explain what damage negative self-talk does to us and explore some simple strategies to challenge our inner critic, Dr. Laurie Santos is joined by “chatter” expert Ethan Kross (professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan).

You can read more in Ethan’s book Chatter: The Voice in our Head (And How to Harness it).

The Host

Dr. Laurie Santos

Dr. Laurie Santos is Professor of Psychology and Head of Silliman College at Yale University. Professor and podcast host Dr. Laurie Santos is an expert on human cognition and the…